If you answered a “HELL YES” to all of the questions, this final page will help you make a decision about your running.
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The RunRxStrong Membership
— Coach Caroline, Team RunRX
We’ve talked about the Pose Method and the three elements of POSE, FALL, & PULL – and after nearly two decades of teaching this method, Valerie has determined that you need to add SKILL, STRENGTH & SELF-CARE.
FIRST: Fix the movement by seeing what is incorrect, and use the SKILL work to reinforce the correct movement.
SECOND: Add the STRENGTH to help build the muscles and tendons to do the SKILL correctly.
THIRD: Use the SELF-CARE to get the blood back to the muscle and break up the scar tissue that is causing you pain.
All in tandem with the proper STANDARD OF MOVEMENT of POSE • FALL • PULL
The combination of learning how to run properly, and the drills and exercises Valerie has posted on social media channels for the past decade have helped thousands of runners.

By now you might have realized that what we are doing is different from anything you've seen before in terms of running coaching.
We created these informational pages the way we did intentionally because we wanted to really help you see what is ahead of you. We are really looking for people that are ready to get serious about getting past an injury or not getting injured to begin with!
- to give up what your running friends have told you about how to run and train?
- to open your mind and be coachable?
- and willing to film yourself running and drilling so that your coach can properly correct your movements?
- and willing to get onto a Zoom live at least once a month to check in on your progress?
- and willing to give us a minimum of 3 months to help you learn this new method of running?
- to stop beating yourself up for not “learning fast enough” and complaining that you should be faster, better, different, etc…?.
Spoiler alert! NEGATIVE talk DOES NOT help you run faster or pain free!
Here's a breakdown of what you get in the runrxstrong membership
VIDEO GAIT ANALYSIS – having a coach watch you run and really helping you see the parts of the movement that are right and what needs to be corrected.
FACEBOOK LIVES – this allows you to ask Valerie questions, get feedback on the drills and training of the day.
we do these each week and they are open to all members. At least two times a month we do them on a weekend as well. You can talk with Valerie, work with her live, and get corrections on your movements and drills in real-time! It's like having a private lesson each week!
Currently, we have less than 10 people on each Zoom call, and it is our intent to keep these small and intimate so that everyone can be coached.
TRAINING PLANS – Valerie has coached runners from 5K through 100-mile ultras, and she has created plans that run up to 12-Weeks. However, she has also competed in and created plans for Triathlons, so you have a coach that can help correct your running while also helping you with a plan for running, and a whole lot more. These training plans curated by Valerie are not available anywhere else on her website or her other coaching plans!

SELF-PACED WORKOUTS – If you liked the 30 Day-Reboot on YouTube, we have added that as the underlying workouts for each month. They build on each other, so if you come into the membership and work on just those topics each day you will progress from awkward platypus to fun-loving cheetah in the first 3 months. From there you can progress to other topics like speed work, weighted strength training, and more all while having a coach that you can connect with daily!

COMMUNITY – we have grown our small but mighty community of like-minded runners that come together to help each new member progress to the next stage. Whether you have a question for Valerie or want to know if anyone else has had a similar issue we are here for you!
Not quite ready? Here are some of the common questions we have seen:
I am injured right now. Should I wait to join?
If you're injured, this is actually the best time for you to get started. We will work with you so that you don't injure yourself further, and come back stronger!
What if I don’t use social media (Facebook)?
Though Coach Valerie does the Q&A on social media (Facebook), we put the videos from the live session replays on the training portal which is its own website with closed captioning by about mid-afternoon each day. We are also using Zoom to have an interactive experience and allow members to be coached by Valerie in real-time.
We work hard to respect our members' desires to not be on social media.
Do I have to stay in the membership for 12-Weeks?
We have seen that runners just begin to comprehend all aspects of the Pose ·Fall ·Pull method at the 6-week mark. This is why we made the course 8-weeks. Our thought is if you can only afford to do one pass of the content, then we believe you must stay with us for 12-Weeks to get the best chance for lasting change.
I travel/work a lot. Will I be able to keep up?
Yes! This membership is about meeting you where you are. We all have a life that gets in the way, so if you're traveling/working/don't always have internet access, you can just come back in when you have a chance. While we do recommend practicing your drills (which can be done from anywhere) and focusing on your self-care, you don’t have to attend every session live. That’s the beauty of our self-paced training. Take as long as you need to get it down!
I don't have a track/gym nearby or a lot of room in my house. How much space do I need?
Coach Valerie does the daily skills, strength, and self-care in her normal-sized garage and living room. You really only need about 10 feet to do the work. If you have a driveway you can extend the skill drills to 10 – 20 feet.
I follow her free content. How is this membership different?
Well, if you follow her you know that she's just giving you snippets of what you can do. In the course, we take you through the journey from beginning to end. We work with you daily to get you running pain free.
The free content like the 30 Day Reboot and her Facebook updates give you the basics, but the course puts the entire system together! Our community and group coaching gives you the accountability to hone your skills, and truly learn everything you need to know to prevent injuries while getting more joy out of your runs.
– but it can be a lasting fix if you put in the work
– you will be talking in a language that your friends won’t be. You will start to see how they are getting themselves injured. That’s why our online community is so helpful – It gives you a place where like-minded people are gathering and discussing terms you are learning.
– We are all about running pain free, not running quickly. Thar said, as you begin to learn to fall and pull in response, you will get faster – it's just how gravity works.
– If you do the work each day, even if it's just the 3-5 minutes that Valerie presents, and then check-in via your gait analysis, Facebook lives, or Zoom calls, you will completely change your running!

It’s decision time!
As much as I can geek out talking to you all about Valerie, RunRX, and all the ways it can change your running, and well your life… It's time for you to make a decision…
I’ve been where you have been, and for me running is what brings sanity to my life. Perhaps you feel the same.
Here’s the truth – you can stay where you are: Injured, frustrated, struggling with how hard it is to run, and in pain.
Or you can join us, and be one of our success stories…either way, we hope you will continue to run…
…with joy
…without pain