Do you want to run pain-free?


Walk Away Knowing EXACTLY How to Run Any Speed, Run Any Distance, Pain-Free Permanently!

RunRxStrong Membership: Just $99

See Why So Many Runners are RAVING About This Training:

The REAL REASON you are in pain is because you are running wrong... but it's not your fault!

Think of what it would be like to just go out for a run and not have to worry about your insoles, tape or knee band.  Chances are, you can barely remember when running felt easy, right?  

Maybe you were sidelined because of an injury like a meniscus tear or back injury not even related to running. Maybe you ran when you were young and want to get back out there for exercise and mental sanity.

But the way to get that feeling is right in front of you… and you don’t need to buy shoes or tape. You need to look at using natural gravity and our natural muscle elasticity.

What is muscle elasticity? 

It is the natural reflex action in the muscles – it’s what the hamstrings were meant to do – and gravity. If you can learn to let go and use gravity with your core you can reduce impact on your joints and increase your speed.

But no one has ever told me this?!

You’re right, we’ve been told that we need better cushioning in our shoes, but this makes our feet and ankles weak

They want us to think that running is hard on your joints and they teach you to do high knees which actually uses the quadriceps muscles which fatigue quickly.

They teach you that to run faster you need to increase your stride which, you will learn, actually stops your forward motion and over time causes shin splints and stress fractures.

Which of these statements are played on a loop the loudest in your head?

But I am not a runner, I’m a jogger.

I’m back of the pack runner. I’m too slow to run.

I can’t run because I have a weak (insert body part).

I am too old (young, tall, short, large… insert your limitation).

Look — gravity works, and it has never cared about your size or injury. Your hamstrings were created to pull, your core is meant to hold you upright.

“Well heck! This sounds like it should be easy, but I’ve been following Valerie’s videos and it’s not easy. I need something quick.”

We’re not going to lie, learning a new skill is not easy. Imagine learning to learn the piano. You wouldn’t go to your first lesson and tell your teacher, “I’ve been watching videos and I think I got it”. You’d most likely expect to learn the basics… What are the keys? How do you do scales? And you’d be expected to practice your scales for a few weeks (basically a couple lessons) before your teacher would ever expect you to be able to actually read music. 

So why do we think that we should be able to watch some 3-5 minute videos and be able to learn a completely new standard of movement? Why do you think you should be able to learn it quickly?

It’s fear and self-doubt, most runners are afraid of wasting time and losing fitness by taking a few weeks to learn the correct movement… it’s why most runners will NEVER even start at all. 

And every runner who gets stuck here — and stays stuck here — is making one of the BIGGEST mistakes that’s guaranteed to keep them in pain and even eventually injured. 

And the worst part? They don’t even REALIZE they’re making a mistake that’s costing them thousands of dollars in chiropractor, orthopedics, massage therapists; countless months of sitting around, and an immeasurable amount of frustration (and maybe you didn’t realize it either… until now).

This is a mistake we want to help you fix.

The Cold Hard Truth is:

If You Don’t Correct Your Running Form, You Will Stay in Pain.

And Possibly Injured.

Show us the shoe that is going to keep you running into your twilight years without injury….  You can’t! That’s because we’d all have them… what you may not have realized until right now: When runners  (including myself) have a problem, they seek help, but many don’t think of a coach. They think a coach is for their kids' gymnastics or golf. You wouldn’t think of letting your kids go do their sport without a good coach. Why not for you too! If you’ve already felt the nudge towards getting a coach, then this is the best way to do it!

For less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you will get daily coaching, and for the cost of a pair of shoes and a race, you have a coach that will WATCH YOU RUN for 12-Weeks!


A Proven Method for Finally Identifying and Fixing What is Causing You Pain in Your Run!

…No Contracts Cancel Anytime!

  • WEEKLY live Q&A with Coach Valerie
  • WEEKLY zoom calls with Coach Valerie correcting your movement in real time.
  • Added Strength to your training that helps with running and endurance.
  • Finally increase your speed without adding tons of miles to your training plan.
  • Learn how to actually train without destroying your body for distances up to the Ultra distances.
  • Run Pain Free  by the end of the first 4-Weeks or cancel without a contract or any headache.

We understand that you may have apprehension with joining a fitness membership because it was a pain to get out of the contract, but with RunRXStrong there are


In other words, if you don’t feel that this is right for you then just cancel — no questions asked. 

PLUS you get to keep all the training plan PDFs.

Why We Are Not Charging as Much as We Should for this Membership

Since she started running more than 20 years ago, Coach Valerie has been helping thousands of runners around the world learn to run correctly.

To attend a clinic with Coach Valerie runs up to $495 for a 6-hour seminar. Until this membership, just a single video analysis would have cost you $197! But we want to help more runners, so we want to get you learning all of the movements and get coaching while you practice.

The signature course before this was just 8 weeks and $297.

Over the past few months, Coach Valerie has seen so many of the RUNNERS struggle with the idea that they need to learn how to run properly. It stops them dead in their tracks. They stay stuck, and they never make it any further than just an idea in their head.

This means if you never get this corrected, you’ll never get past the pain… which means we won't ever get the chance to keep working together! 

So, it’s for that reason that we want to make sure we get this training into as many hands as we possibly can so we can help you get going and stop running in pain.

Learning to run correctly is ESSENTIAL. And when you finally do correct the movement that’s causing your pain, just consider how far you can go if you don’t have to worry about wrecking your body.

If you would like Valerie’s help and guidance in doing that, your investment price is just $99.  

…and remember! 

If you don't feel like this is right for you by the end of the 4-Weeks then just cancel without any issues.

And by passing up on this offer, are you saying that running without pain is NOT worth $99 to you?

Let's hope not! 

So, if you are ready to finally stop running with pain so you can go run any distance at any speed, get registered by clicking the link below and I'll see ya soon!

Are You Ready for the RunRxStrong Membership?

Who is READY?

  • I’m tired of being in pain and having injuries that keep coming back.
  • I’ve tried everything from cold to acupuncture.
  • I’m willing to be coachable and patient with myself.
  • I’m willing to rethink how I approach running.
  • I’m willing to look at a new way of training for endurance races.
  • I'm willing to listen to a Coach and not let my friends deter my training.

Who is NOT Ready?

  • I’m not willing to learn something completely new.
  • I just want a quick fix so I can keep running my miles.
  • I believe that running faster is about running harder and longer.
  • I believe that I should be able to learn to run in a week or a month and not willing to give myself a chance for 4 weeks
  • I think that I can keep training how I have been and fix my running form at the same time.

You've Got Questions... We've Got Answers!!

Coach Valerie often mentions video gait analysis, can I just do that?

Up until August of 2020, the video gait analysis was part of the 8-week Course or as a separate service, but once you learn what is incorrect in your movement, you need a coach to help you through correcting it. As a result, we have decided that through the end of 2021, the video gait analysis will be included in the monthly Membership! This means you can come into the membership and get your analysis, practice for 30 days, check in with another analysis, continue with practice and strength, and check in again!

I am injured, should I wait?

This membership is about meeting you where you are. We all have a life that gets in the way, so if you're traveling and don't have internet, come in when you get back!

If you're injured, then this is the best time for you to get started. We will work with you so that you don't injure yourself further and come back stronger!

Do I have to stay in the membership after 4 weeks?

We have seen that runners just begin to get all aspects of the Pose • Fall • Pull at the 6-week mark, this is why we made the course 8 weeks. Our thought is if you can only afford to do one pass of the content, then we hope you'll give us 4 weeks to make a change in your running.


How much time will I get with Coach Valerie?

You have the chance to send a video of your run for Valerie to analyze. She will also go live on Facebook each weekday. Don’t like Facebook? Don’t worry! We put each video up into our learning portal so that you can watch it without having to deal with social media. We also have weekly interactive zoom calls! The calls are scheduled at different times to help accommodate students that can’t be on Facebook Lives because of work or time zone issues, and Coach Valerie can work with you in real-time.

I don’t have a track nearby or a lot of room in my house, how much space do I need?

Coach Valerie does the daily skills, strength, and self-care in her normal-sized garage and living room.  You only need about 10 feet to do the work, if you have a driveway you can extend the skill drills to 10 – 20 feet.

With Hot Summer coming, can I do the membership on the treadmill?

We prefer you do the skills off the treadmill while you are learning, but once you start building your endurance you can use a treadmill. We have videos to show you how to do this.

I don’t do social media (Facebook)?

Though Coach Valerie does the Weekly Q&A on social media (Facebook), we put those lives up to the training portal, which is its website,  with closed captioning by about mid-afternoon each day. We are also using Zoom to have an interactive experience and allow members to be coached by Valerie in real time. 

We work hard to respect our members' desires to not be on social media. You can send in your drills and check-ins any time to see if you're doing the movement right.

I follow her free content, how is this different?

Well if you follow her you know that she's just giving you snippets of what you can do. In the course, we take you through the journey from beginning to end. We work with you daily to get you running pain-free. The course puts the system together!

What is your guarantee?

We have hundreds of success stories and we know this method works… but only if YOU do the work, so we don’t have the guarantee, but we do allow you to cancel anytime without any issues.


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